Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Brian and Michelle will welcome a little Cunningham in 2012!!

Michelle and Brian's wedding in December 2010
Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011

So, we have very special news for you!! The Cunningham Family - Brian (aka BC) and Michelle are expecting a little adorable, wanna kiss your face all over, munchkin baby!!  A BABY!!!!!  We have wanted a baby since we got married in December and we are SO EXCITED!  It took only 4-5 months and now God blessed us with a pregnancy!  I'm 3 months pregnant (13 weeks now) with a healthy (fast!) heartbeat that we heard on Monday!  Brian took a recording and he frequently forwards it to other Blackberry users, if you'd like a listen. ;)   

Why a Blog about a baby?  Well, we love our family, a lot.  And here's a map of where our families live.  They are the hearts on the map (hearts cause we love them) and we are the star.  So a blog is our way of keeping in touch with the ones we love!   And if we added all our friends, we'd be covering all 50 states, so now everyone can feel connected! :)  Plus it will be a memory book for our baby as he/she grows up!

So now that we have a heartbeat, we can tell the world!  Keeping it hush, hush for the first 12 weeks might have been the hardest thing we've ever done :)  Brian managed pretty well keeping it quiet.  Me on the other hand...I wanted to paint the town and tell the world, "I'm PREGNANT with a little baby we are going to love for the rest of our lives and I'm so excited I could jump out of my skin", but instead I had to pretend like life was NORMAL when people asked me what was new.  "What's new with you Michelle?"  I'd actually answer, "Oh nothings new!"  AHHH!  So, this feels more normal to tell everyone our exciting news! :)  We wanted to wait until the 3 month mark to's a little safer then :)  WE ARE SO EXCITED!!  Our Team is growing here back at Mary Kay Land and BC's Man Zone.

I guess the first trimester is supposed to be the hardest, so I'm glad we are in the clear!  The first 11 weeks were not too bad (well, I can say that because I'm forgetting that they were a little rough, but no sense in complaining).  I just felt carsick for 11 weeks. But once I hit week all went away!  And I just feel like ME again!! I am LUCKY!

A Mary Kay friend gave me some of her baby outfits last night and it just sunk in that we are having a baby! Look how cute this little Pooh Bear Outfit is!!  Aww, it almost made me cry it's so cute!
Baby Outfit from Sarita!  Love it!!
And my Mary Kay friend Maggie gave me these adorable baby toys!  Seriously, they are the FIRST baby toys in my house.  I love them!
Baby toes from Maggie Rader
  Aww...I even started moving the "adult" furniture out of the nursery so we can make way for the baby!!  See...we moved the king size bed out and gave it to my friend who just moved into a new house, so it was perfect!!  I can't wait to paint and decorate...5 more weeks for that.  We are going to find out the sex in ONLY 5 weeks!  That's the first week in September, so then I can really start making the PERFECT baby room!
The Soon to be Baby Nursery!  It's a pretty big spot for our little one.
Brian gets a little smile every time we talk about it.  He is sooo excited and it's just so adorable.  We can't wait to be perfect parents and take care of our little one :)  And because I work from home and Brian is home when he is not traveling to see clients, it'll be so fun to be able to watch him/her grow up!!  That's a blessing!  I think I  have the PERFECT job for a new baby because I have total flexibility with my work day.  I love Mary Kay!! And I have a great 16 year old named Erin that helps me run my office that can't wait to help me take care of the baby!  So we have a built in nanny :)

We are due February 7th, 2012!  That's my brother Marc's birthday!  How ironic!  My Mom said she delivered me on the exact day I was due, which is a good indicator of when I'll have the baby, according to my midwife.

This is what our baby looks like at 13 weeks!  It has fingers and ears and everything!  Now I have to start playing classical music to my stomach so my baby is smarter.  Lots of research on that :)
13 weeks - Not my actual baby, but a 13 week old baby :)

If you want to get a weekly update on the size of the baby, go to and sign up for a weekly email.  It will email you to tell you how big the baby is in terms of a food.  This week it's the size of a medium shrimp or 1 ounce!  Brian said, "That's gross."  So sorry if this grossed you out too.
The baby is the size of a medium shrimp this week
And last but not least, you always need the photo of the growing stomach.  It's only showing very little right now, but stay tuned...:)
Barely showing baby bump at 13 weeks

Oh and a few frequently asked questions:
What did your Mom say? My mom said this, "Oh gosh!  You are going to make me cry and I'm at work!".  So don't call your Mom at work to announce you are pregnant.  But she is ecstatic!  I actually found out I was pregnant the day my cousin Julie gave birth to her baby, so that was really neat.  And my Dad Dave is very excited too!  My Mom is going to be Grandma and he is going to be Papa.  And of course, Brian's family is SO excited!!  So all around...everyones SO HAPPY!  And we knew they would be.  We have the most amazing and coolest family in the world, so that was to be expected.
Are you going to find out the sex?  Yes. First week in September.
What do you want, a boy or a girl?  Just a healthy baby.  A boy would be fun because Brian will bring him golfing and play hockey and that would just make my heart dance.  A girl would be fun because of all the makeup and pink stuff in this house.  But either way, healthy is the goal.
When are you due? February 7th
How do you feel?  Awesome....NOW! :)  And if you asked me how I felt 4 weeks ago, I would have told you awesome then.  I only want to bring happiness and joy to others...not complain and stress. :)
Are you doing anything wacky? Yes!  As you may know, I love coffee and have for years.  Well, the second I got pregnant, I couldn't stand the smell of it anymore.  I haven't had coffee in 3 months.  And what's really funny, is every morning when I make Brian's breakfast, I have to put the coffee pot on a back patio and brew it for him outside because the smell is so overwhelming.  haha..It seems completely normal that I do this, but let's be honest, it's not. :)
Are you craving anything?  YES!  Fruit, Fruit and more Fruit.  So I'm craving healthy foods for the most part.  But I really love Eggs, Gluten Free Bagels, Potatoes - so amazing, Dill Pickles, Gluten free pizza and for some reason, this Pirates Booty Veggie is Gluten and Dairy Free is absolutely 100% my addiction right now.
Pirates Booty Stock goes up 100% because Michelle Cunningham is Pregnant.

We will keep you posted once a month with an update!  Until then, lots of love to our family and friends!  We love you!!  And can't wait to introduce you to our bundle of total and utter JOY!  xoxo :)  Brian (BC) and Michelle