Sunday, October 9, 2011

Baby Cunningham: 23 Weeks! He's the size of a mango!

You are the size of a Mango!
Wow!  Time flies.  I'm already 23 weeks pregnant!  That's almost 6 months!  I can't believe how fast it is going.  I'm enjoying every single moment of being pregnant.  It's so precious!  This week my little man is the size of a large mango.  This month is significant because I feel like I'm finally looking pregnant.  I was on an airplane the other day and a man stopped me and said, "Oh, did you have to buy two seats?  One for your baby in your tummy and one for you?  Congratulations!!"  And I literally wanted to hug this complete stranger for knowing I was pregnant.

Mommy's belly in her bicycle outfit
A note to my little man:  What an exciting week. Daddy felt you move inside my tummy four days ago!!  It was magical.  Well, honestly, it was magical for a moment until Daddy said, "Eww...gross."  But now he has recovered from the initial shock and he thinks it's really amazing.  He puts his hand on my tummy and feels you move every other day when we are lucky. You really are a dancing machine or you are playing football or soccer inside my tummy.  You move all the time, like every 4 hours, so I've gotten used to it.  When you don't move, I get worried about you.  But if I lie down, you wake up again, so sometimes I do that just to make sure you are okay. I love the kicks.  Oh and I love you too.  I can't tell you everyday cause you don't really know English or any words yet, but you are SO LOVED.  We love you little man.

Your Baby Room as of 10/9/2011
Okay little man.  Here's the scoop.  Here's your baby room.  I know that it appears as though I've made no progress, but I assure you, there has been tons of progress.  See that brown bar on the ground?  That's your curtain rod for your curtain panels.  When Daddy is done golfing this weekend, he's going to hang that bar up.  Then we can put your curtains up when they arrive.

Oh, and I ordered your crib and furniture set.  I went with Espresso for the color instead of white.  The lady at the store said you'd like darker better as you got older, so that made sense.  Now, let's have a serious talk.  Your furniture set is WAY nicer than Mommy and Daddy's bedroom furniture.  So that means you must keep it forever and love it and be nice to it.  Got it?  It converts to a full size bed so it should last you until you are like 18 or beyond. That's assuming you don't write with crayons on it when you are 3, paint it when you are 5, scratch it when you are 8, dent it when you are 12, and graffiti it when you are 16 and then break it when you are jumping on it at 18.  So as long as you avoid all those activities, this furniture is going to totally be the bomb forever  What's the bomb?  Oh that's what cool people at my age say when something is super cool or awesome or great.  I'm sure you will have a different word when you are a teenager.  Needless to say, you can give me a big hug when you see me because not only do you have a cool sounding Mom, but you also have the best furniture in the house.

Park Avenue Modern  Room Theme
I also picked out all your bedding and the nursery room theme.  I went with a Park Avenue Modern Theme instead of my original plan.  It's light blue and brown and very modern.  I hope you like it.  Daddy is going to paint the room to kind of match this picture.  I'm not sure how close we can get, but we'll give it a try.  Your room is going to be SO trendy and peaceful so you can sleep and play happily.

What else has been going on around here?  Well, I suddenly feel the need to make the house as beautiful as possible for you so you like your new home.  So, I've been on a mission to get curtains for all the rooms in the house.  For 5 years this hasn't been a problem, but now, I MUST have curtains and immediately.  Being pregnant has made me a crazy curtain lady.  So I've ordered curtains for four rooms in the house...with many more to go.  I hope you like my trendy selections.  Daddy sure has a lot of work to do to hang up all those curtain rods.  You'll have to let me know what you think when you get here.

Super cool Patriots clothes
What else have I done?  Well, I'm super into buying clothes for you.  And these are a few of the super cool outfits I've bought.  Daddy loves the Patriots and Red Sox, so you are going to have lots of outfits that say that on it.  Here's a few I got you.  Do you love them?! You and Daddy will probably watch lots of sports together.  Daddy loves to watch football on Sundays and he likes to watch golf, so you two can get into that together.  I'm not really into sports.  I get bored watching it, but that can be something you two do together.  Maybe you'll even have a fantasy football team when you are about 1 or 2.  I'm sure Daddy will give you a winning team.  You can discuss and strategize with him when you arrive.

The back of your newborn outfit
Oh and when you are born, I was thinking it would be really cute if you had the most adorable outfit to wear home.  So when I was visiting my Mom and Dad in North Carolina last weekend, we went on a mission to find you the best outfit ever to wear home from the hospital.  After an hour of deciding, I got you this little bear hat and this outfit with a little doggie on the butt.  I just think you are going to look SO cute in this as we parade out of the hospital with you on a snowy February day.  It's going to be COLD when you get here!  At 16, you'll probably tell me that was totally uncool, but for now, you are going to be the coolest baby in town.  Everyone is going to LOVE you.  And if/when you have babies, I'm sure your wife will also want to dress your baby up in a cute outfit for the ride home from the hospital.  So, just humor her.

Slumber Bear to help you sleep
Okay. So, I think I finished adding stuff to your baby registry at Babies R' Us.  So, I put a TON of stuff in there.  Every night, my fun way of relaxing is to play on your registry and add lots of stuff that I'm not sure if you will need but it looks utterly fabulous.

You see, I'm not sure what you really need.  You are my first baby, so I just guess and get advice from other Moms.  If Daddy saw all the stuff I've added to your registry, he might think I've lost my mind.  But I seem to feel it's totally acceptable to have a lighted baby wipe warmer, rattle slippers for your feet and a teddy bear that makes noise to soothe you to fall asleep.   

Rattle Slippers for your feet
Lighted Baby Wipe Warmer
Your Grandma said that all that babies really need is their Mom and Dads and lots of love and affection.  So, I promise you'll get tons of that.  And we can't buy that at Babies R' Us.  Good news is: that's free.  And, as you get older, you'll realize the best stuff on earth is free: friends, love, affection and happiness.

  We love you more than you know and always will.  You are the best and will always be amazing.
Love, Mommy and Daddy

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