Monday, November 21, 2011

29 Weeks Pregnant!! Baby Cunningham arrives in 11 weeks!

Wow! Only 11 more weeks left to go before the Little Man arrives.  We are SO excited to be parents!  Wait! 11 weeks!?!?  Can that be right?!  Oh it's just flying by and I'm LOVING being pregnant that I'm going to kind of miss it!  But I am SOO excited for him to arrive.  It's kind of like the anticipation of going on vacation to Disney when you are 8 years old and your heart flutters with happiness every second you think of the trip...remember those days?  Well, that's how excited I am every single day in anticipation for my baby!  Right now, he's so bouncy and happy inside my tummy that I hope he loves his new second home (the home outside my tummy) and more importantly, I hope he loves his fabulous parents when he arrives.  This week, the little man is the size of a butternut squash and weighs 2.5 lbs!  He's really getting big and my tummy is growing really fast.

So, Little Man, here's an update on your bedroom and all other things baby, so you can rest easily tonight knowing that things are under control around here.  Remember your closet from the last time we talked?  I know, it was a mess.  You are right.  Well, check this out.  It's all built for you so you can store all your things in here like bull frogs, rocks, snakes and dirt...or whatever other items you bring home one day as you get a little older.  You can use the drawers for that stuff.  Until then, I'm going to cherish this bright white, sparkling clean closet for you.

And...remember I said that Daddy was going to start painting?  Well, he did!!  We aren't done yet with everything, clearly, but look it's light tan and blue.  Do you love it?  And we are going to run a border where the two colors meet.  This is the border.  I know, you are totally thinking, "I'm going to be living in the coolest baby room in town."  You're right.  You are.  

Now the other thing I'm actually really excited about are two gifts that arrived from your Aunts.  Aunt Christine sent you this amazing stroller. After we set it up, I thought it was completely normal to walk around the house with it pretending I was pushing you.  Your Dad, who was watching sports at the time, glanced over at me and wondered if I had lost my mind.  It was probably the length of time that I spent walking around that concerned him.  Being pregnant has made me a little coo-coo.  It seemed completely normal.  I was pretending you were here!  In any event, my walk around the house determined that the stroller will not only ride smoothly, but it's seriously so cool, so you'll look really cute in it.  Oh and I looked like a real Mom when I pushed this thing around.  I made quite a few passes by the mirrors in the house.

Okay, and here's the other thing I'm really excited about.  I know...It's a high chair.  But, how amazing is this high chair?  It's blue and brown for you!  And your Aunt Jen bought this for you.  Isn't it so fabulous?  I can't believe that one day you will sit in this chair and I'll feed you.  Until then, I just look at it with excitement knowing that soon it will be filled with a little man who will smile and laugh in it and make my day. I also realize you will spit up all over it, probably poop in it and make it super dirty.  This photo can serve as a memory of it's super clean beauty. Let's work together to keep it looking like this photo, okay?

Here is something else that just tickled my heart.  Check out the size of this diaper.  Yes, that's my hand!  Can you believe you will be THIS little?!  So cute!  This is the only diaper in our house.  It came in a welcome packet I received from Babies R' Us.  Don't worry, I'll be getting you some more before you arrive.  One diaper will only last you about 2 hours from what I've been told.  A book I read said in your lifetime you'll go through 7,000 diaper changes.

Right now it's Sunday night and that means Sunday Night Football.  Your Dad is SO excited for you that actually right now, he's working on your bedroom, finishing up the paint instead of watching football.  He's been sweating and working really hard on it, so when you arrive, maybe you can give him a big hug and kiss and tell him how much you appreciate it.   I know he'd rather be watching Sunday Night Football instead, but he sure is excited for you to come into our world.   That's Daddy dedication.

We both can't wait to meet you!  Just know you are LOVED.  You have been since the day we knew we were expecting you.  You are our joy, our love of our life and will be forever.

Mommy and Daddy

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