Wednesday, February 1, 2012

39 weeks! Baby arrives in 6 days!

6 days till due date!  
Wow, time flies!  39 weeks!  The little man is due here on February 7th!  That's just 6 days away.  How crazy?!  Right now, he is the size of a mini watermelon!  That's huge! We are anxious to meet the little guy and enjoying our last week of uninterrupted sleep and a quiet house while it's just the two of us.  We've been told numerous times to enjoy these last few moments because our life is about to change in an awesome and crazy way!  And we also took ALL your advice and went on a date this week, too.  We hear that date nights will be harder to come by very soon.  

Okay little man...So, I'm not quite sure we know what comes next, but we've been told that when you arrive you will be our new "little boss" and you will let us know what's up when you get here.  Gosh, I haven't had a boss in years...that's why I own my own business cause I can't do the whole "boss" thing.  So I hope you are a nice little boss.  Please be.  Please.  

Your friend Ethan lives down the road and he is 6 weeks older than you.  I've been over his house to learn how to take care of a baby.  It's been like a "boot camp".  I learned how to change diapers, feed a baby, and how to stop a baby from crying.  I also changed his little clothes and sang to the little baby and I learned one important lesson: Babies are A TON of work.  So I have a very tiny sense of what I am in for, but I only go over for 3 hours at a time.  I can't imagine 24 hours at a time...or a lifetime.  haha...but I better get ready!!   Either way, I am SO EXCITED to meet you LITTLE DUDE and even if you are TONS of work, I will LOVE you!  Mommy's and Daddy's hearts are always exploding with love so you'll get tons of love in this happy house!

I know you are dying to see the update on your baby room, so here's your update!  I think I'm just about finished with your baby room.  So here's the you like?  Your Dad thinks the balls hanging from the ceiling are less than masculine, but I think they are cute.  We can take them down when you decide they are "not cool" anymore.  But until then, Mommy thinks they are simply adorable :) 

A happy little saying above your closet
Your new curtains have arrived!  Do you like?

Awww, we are so excited to add you to our family!
Little monkeys are scattered all over your room!

So now we just anxiously wait.  I googled "How does a baby know when it's time to be born?" and it told me that babies release a hormone that triggers labor.  So, I guess that means it's all up to you.  You can decide when you want to come see your new baby room and meet your Mom and Dad.  And until then, it's okay that you continue to kick the sides of my stomach and move your hands and feet around in my tummy.  As long as you are happy and warm, that's all that matters.

We'll just be here waiting for you, anxiously.  Mommy and Daddy love you more than you will ever know.

The world is waiting....we love you!

Mommy and Daddy

1 comment:

LadyDee said...

Aaah, this blog is sooo beautiful Michelle!

I can't believe I haven't seen you since you been pregnant! Or at least since you started showing!

His room is so cute!

Yes your lives are about to change! But enjoy the ride!

Parenthood is the highest honor there is! It means that we were entrusted with a treasure that's more precious than gold!

You will do well as a Mommy and I'm sure your hubby will do well as Daddy too! The time goes by sooooo fast so enjoy the ride!
God bless and can't wait to meet "The Lil Boss"